Patricia Margaret Foote, was a dear and trusted friend and most recently an Account Executive in the Department of Dealer Support at Rapid Response.
To say Pat was instrumental to the growth and success of Rapid Response would be an understatement. She was among just a handful of unbelievably hard-working staff who joined us at the beginning of Rapid Response in 1992. Over the years, her knowledge of the industry, dealer relations, control panel formats and monitoring processes became essential to our success, and as an Account Executive she was very, very highly regarded.
She never lost interest in what we do, or for that matter, in all of us. She loved people, developed personal friendships with many Rapid Response dealers and often entertained at her home during their visits, not only for business but for music events and festivals held in our community, as well.
Pat was an interesting and exciting person. She was jovial, engaging, thoughtful, extremely helpful, the best at what she did. For those who knew her well or who were lucky enough to have her as an Account Executive, you also knew she just might tell you what she thought in no uncertain terms. But best of all, she ‘wore all of that on her sleeve’, so we always knew who Pat Foote was… a very fine and honest person.
Pat was a strong presence in many of our lives, and her loss will be greatly felt by all. May we all take comfort in having known Pat and take inspiration from the knowledge that such a small woman –she was only 4’6″ –can make such a tremendous difference.
From Co-founder and Chairman of Rapid Response, Russell R. MacDonnell, “She always had a great attitude, a smile on her face and loved her work. She was a favorite of mine and will be sorely missed by everyone who knew her.”
Without Pat on our staff, Rapid Response would not be what it is today.