James Lee
Testimonial James Lee

Alarmguard Security was founded in 1989 and is family owned and operated by James and Rhonda Lee. Initially, their focus was on providing wireless security systems in the residential market. Over time, they gained some commercial clients, but more than half of their business remained residential. At one point, Alarmguard was involved in a high volume of new construction projects. Those projects led them to enter the home automation, audio/visual and home theater business. In 2008, they shifted strictly to security and began focusing more on commercial opportunities leading them to expand their customer base.
Today, Alarmguard provides wireless and hard wired systems for intrusion, CCTV, access control and camera systems. They are experiencing the most growth in card access and video systems which all have monitored components. All of their customers are provided with bi-directional text messaging and their staff uses Rapid Response’s Rapidmobile and Rapidweb every day to manage their business.
Alarmguard transitioned their monitoring to Rapid Response in 2000 after meeting the company President, Jeffrey Atkins, at a local association tradeshow. Jeffrey was demonstrating Rapid’s innovative Palm Pilot interface which provided Dealers with remote access to their monitored accounts. This mobile connection, along with the ability to listen to call recordings through Rapidweb, was extremely unique and something James recognized as advantage for their business.
Rapid Response’s biggest selling points are their technology and their response to problems. Through the years, they have never been afraid to admit mistakes, and they never hide behind them. Having a dedicated Dealer Support Representative and the ability to work with Rapid’s knowledgeable technical support team has benefited our company in countless ways.
Rapid Response provides us with a monitoring solution and a partnership that we couldn’t get elsewhere!