Central Stations Communications | Rapid Response Monitoring

Why Central Stations Must Adapt to These Changing Consumer Communications

Central stations and call centers need to be able to meet the demands of different standards to be able to serve their clients and end users universally and effectively.

A smart phone graphic over a city skyline with symbols of computers syncing together.

The following is an excerpt from the Monitoring Matters column featured in Security Sales & Integration magazine. Our Vice President of Technology and Innovation, Morgan Hertel, is a regular contributor and authored the article below. 

The concept of unified messaging has certainly been a buzz phrase of late but it can mean many different things to one and all. Then again, that phrase — different things to one and all — makes me think about the varying ramifications and implications in the fact that people communicate in varying ways and use different transport methods in their normal day-to-day existence.

Not only that, but as a global and inclusive society we also must adhere to unique standards for sight- or hearing-impaired people, myriad dialects and languages, Morse code and others now, including allowance for those who can only read printed versus cursive writing.

Because there are so many ways to communicate, central stations and call centers need to be able to meet the demands of each standard to be able to serve their clients and end users universally and effectively.

Of course, this would all be easily done if everyone spoke the same language and answered the phone in two rings, but that is not a reality in today’s melting pot of people and complex technologies.

That means that we, as an industry, must make changes in order to satisfy the needs of the consumers. Still, underlying our efforts must be an awareness that there is no silver bullet or magic wand: human behavior and preferences are among those things we can’t control nor predict or understand.

To read the full article, click here.

rapid response monitoring center specialist assisting a customer on a call

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