Adding Perspective On Today’s AI Abilities | RRMS

Adding Perspective on Today’s AI Abilities

While current AI applications excel in object recognition, challenges persist in understanding intent during security incidents. Explore the potential of AI in transforming traditional security practices, emphasizing consistent, subscriber-focused responses.

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The following is an excerpt from the Monitoring Matters column featured in Security Sales & Integration magazine. Our Vice President of Technology and Innovation, Morgan Hertel, is a regular contributor and authored the article below. 

In March I was at the ISC West show in Las Vegas and to say the show was a success would be an understatement. This year’s buzzword and products centered around AI, or artificial intelligence. By the end of the show, I was pretty sure that AI not only could be used in security applications but might also make you breakfast and tie your shoes. And the truth is AI is going to change the way we do things, but before we just throw out everything and let ChatGPT run our lives, let’s take a pause and see what we can actually do today vs. five years from now.

Almost all AI applications in security today center around video, which for this column’s purpose I am also going to include thermal, LiDAR, radar, WiFi and a few others because the AI is looking for the most part at human or item recognition based on the shapes and movements. In reality, while they are being called AI, they are really single-purpose analytics applications (e.g., is there a human, dog or weapon, etc., and a variety of other targets).

Most of today’s AI products do not take into consideration anything else about a security incident other than the shape of the object, which leads us to the age-old problem of how do we determine intent of the human we detected? Today, we must rely on humans to try and determine intent by watching and or listening to the object detected. Most of those humans doing this are monitoring center specialists making the split decision of, is this person detecting a threat to life or property or from a law enforcement perspective is there a crime being committed?

To read the full article, click here.

rapid response monitoring center specialist assisting a customer on a call

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