"Why Data Is More Valuable Than Cash in Security Today

Cash May Be King, But Data Is Golden In The Security World

Article Written By Morgan Hertel, Rapid Response Vp Of Technology &Amp; Innovation

The following is an excerpt from the Monitoring Matters column featured in Security Sales & Integration magazine. Our Vice President of Technology and Innovation, Morgan Hertel, is a regular contributor and authored the article below. 

Today, our monitoring business runs on data. It is tracked in fractions of seconds and gives us huge advantages to ward off problems long before they become emergencies. In fact, using AI allows data to be analyzed as a normal baseline. So, when the heater is left on, so to speak, the AI will alert you. That’s far better than having to wade through thousands of datapoints an hour “by hand.”

Data is available for just about everything you do in your business, but I am always amazed at how much of that data is never actually used to improve a business. It’s a squandered opportunity to ward off problems before the bill comes at the end of the month, or before you suddenly realize that you lost $100,000 in recurring monthly revenue at the end of the year.

When you look at central station partners specifically, the ability to deliver actionable data varies. But here are some datapoints and how you can use them to help run your business. It’s information that more centers should be able to provide. These are in no particular order, and your mileage may vary relative to conditions.

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